Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Cure to Expecting Too Much


There’s the possibility that one: you’re insane and two: you’re really insane. There could be no other reason why one should expect something from another when in the first place, he/she has no right whatsoever to demand anything from a person. Expecting too much is dangerous. It’s fatal. Once you’ve realized that you’ve got this feeling, most often than not, it is already too damn late.

Why do people like to expect too much? It’s simple. Everyone is a daydreamer, admit it or not. Each individual has his own view of a perfect scenario, an ideal process of moments, a happy ending. Each of us comforts our own selves through imaginings. Imaginings that we plot, we create, we insist to ourselves for us to believe in. We draw responses of our own design, as if we are the author of the best moments of our lives. Then when the real scenarios come, we drastically match our creations with it. Sad to say, they would not fit most of the time, if not all the time. So to our disappointments, cheers!

Some friends of mine had their best advices on how I can cope up when I’ve found myself expecting too much. One said that I should avoid comparing myself with others. Comparing what you would have done when you’re in the same situation will just set your mind to expect that things would end up the way you want them to be. Other people would not acquire your talents in handling situations, your maneuver will not be the same as theirs. So you must just let them address a problem the way they find it most appropriate, keep calm, and then attack when you need to attack. ( Laughs. )

My other friend told me to relax. Well, I think I need not have to explain it a lot. Let things unfold as it is. After all, you can’t control everything. Or maybe, “it’s too early to tell”. The spices of life will be lost if you will have the vision of all the moments to happen. The most beautiful instances in life come in surprises.

Chill. As to whether the other person meets your ideals is immaterial. As to whether he/she feels the way he/she feels is beyond your prowess. You. Hard-headed. Stubborn kid. I want you to read the following words slowly:

You can’t always have it all.


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